Ray grew up on a dairy farm in the thumb of Michigan went to diesel school for a year and spent the next 15 years working as a Mechanic and farming until the Lord called him into missions in the late 90's. So now he uses his gifts were God takes him and his family to advance the kingdom and support other missionaries on the field.
Currently the Lord has us in a little village in west Africa supporting the local village with community development projects. We currently are working on discovering new crops and ways to increase their yields with what they are doing rice and peanuts at this time. While I was there I tried some ground beans and a variety of beans above ground.Some pictures of the farm
The other part of our ministry is to support teams who go into remote areas to learn the language and translate the Bible into the local language they are in. We help setup solar systems, build kitchen cabinets, or what ever may need to be done.
Tammy is a elementary teacher and home maker. She plans to teacher the kids and setup a Sunday school program.